Bozdag GO, Szeinbaum N, Conlin PL. et al. Major Biological Innovationsin the History of Life on Earth. Astrobiology (2024)

Pineau RM, Libby E, Demory D. et al., Bozdag GO & Ratcliff WC. Emergence and maintenance of stable coexistence during a long-term multicellular evolution experiment. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024)

Montrose K, Lac DT, Burnetti AJ, Tong K, Bozdag GO, Hukkanen M, Ratcliff WC, Saarikangas J. Proteostatic tuning underpins the evolution of novel multicellular traits. Science Advances (2024)

Day, TC, Zamani A, Bozdag GO, Burnetti AJ, Bingham EP, Conlin PL, Ratcliff WC, & Yunker PJ. Morphological Entanglement in Living Systems. Physical Review X (2024)

Bozdag GO, et al. De novo evolution of macroscopic multicellularity. Nature (2023)

Bozdag GO and Ono J. Evolution and Molecular Basis of Reproductive Isolation. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development (2022)

Tong K, Bozdag GO, Ratcliff WC. Selective Drivers of Simple Multicellularity. Current Opinion in Microbiology (2022)

Bozdag GO, Libby E, Pineau R, Reinhard C, Ratcliff WC. Oxygen suppression of macroscopic multicellularity. Nature Communications (2021)

Bozdag GO, Ono J, Denton J, Karakoc E, Hunter N, Leu JY, and Greig D. Breaking a species barrier by enabling hybrid recombination. Current Biology (2021)

Pentz JT, Márquez-Zacarías, P, Bozdag, GO, Burnetti, A, Yunker, PJ, Libby, E, & Ratcliff, WC. Ecological advantages and evolutionary limitations of aggregative multicellular development. Current Biology (2020)

Bozdag GO, Ono J, Denton J, Karakoc E, Hunter N, Leu JY, and Greig D. Engineering recombination between diverged yeast species reveals speciation genes. BioRxiv (2019)

Bozdag GO & Greig D. The genetics of a putative social trait in natural populations of yeast. Molecular Ecology (2014)

Bozdag GO, Kaya A, Koc A, Noll GA, Prüfer D, Karakaya HC. Characterization of a cDNA from Beta maritima that confers nickel tolerance in yeast. Gene (2014)

Erbasol I, Bozdag GO, Koc A, Pedas P, Karakaya HC. Characterization of two genes encoding metal tolerance proteins from Beta vulgaris subspecies maritima that confers manganese tolerance in yeast. Biometals (2013)

Atik AE, Bozdag GO, Akinci E, Kaya A, Koç A, Yalcin T. and Karakaya HÇ. Proteomic changes during boron tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare) and the role of vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase subunit E. Turkish Journal of Botany (2011)

Bozdag GO, Uluisik I, Gulculer GS, Karakaya HC, Koc A. Roles of ATR1 paralogs YMR279c and YOR378w in boron stress tolerance. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2011)